
Friday, February 24, 2012


1. Make a Plan
2. Carry water everywhere to start losing stomach fat
3. Color Your Plate
        Colorful meal, the more healthful it's likely to be.
4. Cut out fast food - it's an absolute must for having a flat tummy
        fast food is the worst culprit in the battle
5. Cut Out Soda
6. Doing Your Weight Bearing exercises- one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast.
          fitness and nutrition is the key for losing stomach fat
7. Do your non-weight bearing exercises, too
8. Don't be complacent!
          don't stop, eat right, keep up with your plan
9. Don't starve yourself! It wont help you lose stomach fat faster
          cut calories,  eat well.
10. Don't deprive yourself, either
          you can have a small reward to keep the edge off your cravings
11.  Don't give up on your goal to lose stomach fat fast
         keep going
12. Don't try to isolate
          you absolutely cannot isolate one set of muscles and lose fat just in that one spot
13. Drink a glass of water before you eat
14. Eat 5 small meals a day to lose stomach fat fast
15. Give yourself 20 minutes to feel full after the meal
16. Get the right fit
           jeans to small you are going to get muffin top
17. Get your cardio going for losing stomach fat fast
18. Have a specific goal in mind for your weight loss
19. Ignore the hype when it comes to commercial products for losing stomach fat fast
20. Ignore the scale
21. one of the best ways to lost stomach fat - know your portions
22. maintain good posture to start losing stomach fat
23. One word: SWIM
24. Read the labels (even on diet food)
25. See a PRO
26. Strengthen your core
27. Substitute the sweets to lose stomach fat faster
28. The perfect Push-Up?
          a push-up, done correctly, is the perfect exercise.
29. Try reverse sit-ups
30. Work together
          work with a friend
31. You need to eat more meals and more often to lose that fat
32. Never skip breakfast
33. Carefully monitor the food you are eating
34. Eat slowly - it's an easy yet surprisingly effective way to lose stomach fat fast
35. Do the most effective exercise efficiently
36. Drink, Drink and Drink again
37. Get more sleep if you want to lose stomach fat
38. Cut down or eliminate alcohol consumption

39. Take the long way to lose stomach fat more rapidly
40. Reduce your salt intake
41. Avoid Stress
42. Stay motivated to lose stomach fat fast

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