12 Camping Hints Everyone In Oklahoma Really Needs To Know
12 Camping Hints Everyone In Oklahoma Really Needs To Know
There are certain camping hints you will want to remember when living in Oklahoma. From hot, humid summers to freezing temps in winter, life can be tricky and sometimes dangerous. When you’re caught off-guard and need a few tricks, remember these camping hints to get you out of a bind or to keep you safe.
1. If you live in Oklahoma, it is inevitable the power will be knocked out by a storm. If you find yourself looking for an emergency source of light, grab some crayons. Light the crayon paper and it will burn for up to 30 minutes. Make sure to put the crayons in a safe spot.
2. For those times when Oklahoma freezes over, use hand sanitizer to de-ice a car lock.
3. If you get caught in your car in deep water, you can use your car seat's headrest to break the window to escape.
4. Trying to open that beer bottle but can't find your bottle opener? Grab an apple charger and it will pop the top right off.
5. Don't you hate those hot, summer days when you realize you forgot to put your favorite drink in the fridge? Don't worry, wrap a wet paper towel around your beverage and put it in the freezer. In about 15 minutes it will be almost ice-cold. 7. Oklahomans are always looking for extra tips to stay safe during a tornado. It might seem silly, but put on a bicycle helmet to protect against flying debris. This extra layer of protection could help prevent head injuries during a tornado.8. We know Oklahoma summers can be unbearable, so every little bit of coolness can help. Put a frozen water bottle or bucket of ice in front of a fan for added coolness.
9. Put Basil or RoseMary on the fire to deter mosquitos.
10. When Camping Strap a Head Lamp to a Gallon Jug of water to fill the entire tent with light.
11. Fill a coke can with vegetable oil and roll a paper towel for wick and light. Hours of light
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